Goose Pool Sunset at Necedah National Wildlife Refuge

Here’s a photo from the Necedah National Wildlife Refuge in central Wisconsin. It looks like one of the ink blot Rorschach tests, but it’s really just a sunset reflecting in a completely still lake.

Goose Pool sunset at Necedah NWR

One of the added treats of sunset at Goose Pool is the nightly fly-in of the geese and cranes. During the day, the birds graze in the surrounding fields. Then, as the sun sets and during the following twilight period, the birds fly in to roost for the night on the water. You hear them coming (usually from the east) before you see them, and when they fly over, you can hear their wings beating in the wind. Really cool!

I should also mention that this and other photos are available for purchase as large format printsClick here for more details.

About Craig

I have a passion to create, and I'm fascinated with the tools and technologies of creativity. I strive to produce images that are graphically simple and technically precise in order to render beautiful photographic fine art prints. I work with a variety of digital transformations to create a finished image that reflects my artistic interpretation.
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